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Figure Chapter 7
Figure Chapter 7
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The given document consists of figures depicting various aspects of cardiac anatomy and electrophysiology. Each figure provides visual representations of different structures and pathways involved in the conduction of electrical impulses in the heart.<br /><br />In Figure 7.1A, the image shows the left inferior extension and compact AV node, along with the right inferior extension and tendon of the tricuspid valve.<br /><br />Figure 7.2A shows the HB (His Bundle) pathway and the CS (coronary sinus) pathway. <br /><br />Figure 7.2B depicts the RV (right ventricle) and RAA (region of the atrial appendage) pathway.<br /><br />Figure 7.2C and 7.2D show the various structures involved in the conduction pathway, including the IVC (inferior vena cava), mitral annulus, and the LAO and RAO projections.<br /><br />Figure 7.3A and 7.3B display retrograde conduction over the RIE (right inferior extension) pathway.<br /><br />Figure 7.3C and 7.3D show retrograde conduction over the RIE pathway and activation of the tricuspid annulus.<br /><br />Figure 7.4A shows the pathway for left inferior extension of the AV (atrioventricular) node.<br /><br />Figure 7.4B and 7.4C depict retrograde conduction over the LIE (left inferior extension) pathway.<br /><br />In Figure 7.5A, the image represents the antegrade and retrograde limbs of Slow/Slow AVNRT (atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia).<br /><br />Figure 7.5B and 7.5C show the different limbs and intervals involved in AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.5D demonstrates the slow/fast pathway and lower common pathway involved in AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.6A, 7.6B, and 7.6C show the activation and conduction pathways during different phases of AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.7A, 7.7B, 7.7C, and 7.7D illustrate the different activation pathways during slow/fast AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.8A, 7.8B, 7.8C, and 7.8D depict the activation pathways during slow/fast AVNRT over the LIE.<br /><br />Figure 7.9A, 7.9B, 7.9C, 7.9D, 7.9E, and 7.9F display the activation pathways during slow/fast AVNRT involving the left atrium.<br /><br />Figure 7.10A and 7.10B show the slow/slow and fast/slow pathways involved in AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.11A and 7.11B illustrate the different activation pathways during AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.12A, 7.12B, 7.12C, and 7.12D depict the activation pathways during slow/fast AVNRT.<br /><br />Figure 7.13A, 7.13B, 7.13C, and 7.13D show the activation pathways during AVNRT involving the left atrium.<br /><br />Figure 7.14A, 7.14B, and 7.14C depict the activation pathways during AVNRT using different pacing techniques.<br /><br />Figure 7.15A, 7.15B, 7.15C, 7.15D, 7.15E, and 7.15F show the activation pathways during AVNRT using different pacing techniques and ablation.<br /><br />Figure 7.16A and 7.16B illustrate the resetting of AVNRT from different locations.<br /><br />Figure 7.17A, 7.17B, 7.17C, 7.17D, 7.17E, and 7.17F depict the activation pathways during AVNRT using different pacing techniques and ablation.<br /><br />Figure 7.18A, 7.18B, 7.18C, 7.18D, 7.18E, and 7.18F show the activation pathways during AVNRT after ablation.<br /><br />Figure 7.19A, 7.19B, 7.19C, 7.19D, 7.19E, 7.19F, 7.19G, 7.19H, 7.19I, and 7.19J illustrate the activation pathways and resetting of AVNRT after ablation.<br /><br />Figure 7.20A, 7.20B, 7.20C, 7.20D, 7.20E, 7.20F, 7.20G, 7.20H, 7.20I, and 7.20J show the activation pathways and resetting of AVNRT from different locations after ablation.
cardiac anatomy
conduction of electrical impulses
AV node pathway
retrograde conduction
activation pathways during AVNRT
left atrium involvement
pacing techniques
resetting of AVNRT
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