Over the last decade, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in EP clinical practice has skyrocketed, driven by the potential that these technologies may improve clinical outcomes or/and clinical workflows. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced innovation and change at a rapid pace, changing the way that heart rhythm professionals care for patients via telehealth and remote monitoring. This session, developed together with HIMSS, will present examples of new ways of monitoring, connecting, and treating patients using digital and mobile health technologies.
Target Audience
Physicians, Allied Professionals, Fellows in Training
Learning Objectives
1. Learn how A.I. expands capabilities to support physicians and engage patients proactively and safely
2. Describe new ways of monitoring, connecting, and treating patients using digital and mobile health technologies.
Sana M. Al-Khatib, MD, MHS, FHRS, CCDS
Professor of Medicine
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Alan Young, MD, MBA, PMP
Chief Medical Officer at GYANT
HIMSS National Physician Committee Member
Southern California HIMSS CMIO Committee Chair
Michael J. Mirro, MD, FHRS, CCDS
SVP, Chief Academic - Research
Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, IN
Martha G. Ferrara, DNP, FNP, FHRS, CCDS
Assistant Director of EP Services
White Plains Hospital, NY
S. Al-Khatib: Honoraria/Speaking/Consulting Fee - Milestone Pharmaceuticals; Medtronic; BMS / Pfizer Alliance; Abbott; Membership on Advisory Committees or Review Panels - Medtronic; Research - Medtronic
A. Young: Salary from Employment (Commercial Interest) - GYANT
M. Mirro: Nothing relevant to disclose.
M. Ferrara: Honoraria/Speaking/Consulting Fee - Boston Scientific.