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The Lead Episode 88:Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Rare Pathogenic Variants in Cardiomyopathy and Arrhythmia Genes

William H. Sauer, MD, FHRS, CCDS, Brigham and Women's Hospital is joined by Ezim Ajufo, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Victor Nauffal, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital to discuss the Patients with rare, pathogenic cardiomyopathy (CM) and arrhythmia variants that can present with atrial fibrillation (AF). The efficacy of AF ablation in these patients is unknown. This study tested the hypotheses that: 1) patients with a pathogenic variant in any CM or arrhythmia gene have increased recurrence following AF ablation; and 2) patients with a pathogenic variant associated with a specific gene group (arrhythmogenic left ventricular CM [ALVC], arrhythmogenic right ventricular CM, dilated CM, hypertrophic CM, or a channelopathy) have increased recurrence. 

Learning Objectives
  • To discuss the paper "Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Rare Pathogenic Variants in Cardiomyopathy and Arrhythmia Genes." 
Article Authors and Podcast Contributors
Article Authors

Majd A El-Harasis, Zachary T Yoneda, Katherine C Anderson, Fei Ye, Joseph A Quintana, J Roberto Martinez-Parachini, Gregory G Jackson, Bibin T Varghese, Diane M Crawford, Lili Sun, Hollie L Williams, Matthew J O'Neill, Giovanni E Davogustto, James L Laws, Brittany S Murphy, Kelsey Tomasek, Yan Ru Su, Emily McQuillen, Emma Metz, Carly Smith, Doug Stubbs, Dakota D Grauherr, Quinn S Wells, Gregory F Michaud<span style="font-size:10.8333px">,</span> Pablo Saavedra, Juan Carlos Estrada, Travis D Richardson, Sharon T Shen, Arvindh N Kanagasundram, Jay A Montgomery, Harikrishna Tandri, Christopher R Ellis, George H Crossley, Prince J Kannankeril, Lynne W Stevenson, William G Stevenson, Steven A Lubitz, Patrick T Ellinor, Dan M Roden, M Benjamin Shoemaker

Podcast Contributors

William H. Sauer, MD, FHRS, CCDS, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Ezim Ajufo, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 
Victor Nauffal, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Faculty and Disclosures

All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.

Host Disclosure(s):
W. Sauer
Honoraria/Speaking/Consulting: Biotronik, Biosense Webster, Inc., Abbott, Boston Scientific, Research: Medtronic

Contributor Disclosure(s):
E. Ajufo: Nothing to disclose.
V. Nauffal: Nothing to disclose.

Staff Disclosure(s) (note: HRS staff are NOT in control of educational content. Disclosures are provided solely for full transparency to the learner):
S. Sailor: No relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
S. Colbert: No relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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